Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Email 09/04/12

Family, We are doing rather good these past few days. Although we need to work more with the part member family that we had on date. They are starting to back off so we are going to try to work with them more. As for the spanish work in the area we are starting to teach more. I have a lot of support with the spanish members here and they want to go out with us to see their friends. I'm pretty excited. We have dropped a lot of investigators and kind of at a stand still in the area of work so we are trying to find more people to teach and more support in helping them from the members. So a lot of the work recently has been the spanish which I love. I noticed that I teach better in spanish then in english. I can answer questions really good in english and whatever but when it comes to actually teaching a lesson, I prefer spanish since that is what I studied my whole time in the MTC. We had a really hot couple days so that is not fun but we are staying rather cool. Plus one of our tires has a leak so we have to deal with that too now. We are doing good other then that and just getting used to being a district leader. A lot of more meetings, travel, and phone calls, trainings etc so a lot more work then just being a normal missionary. All good though. Not much other to report this week. Thanks for everything. Love Elder Roe

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